Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Currently a student at York U with an English major and a History minor. I live with the books =)

Friday, September 17, 2004

What is Poetry?

Poetry is a mode of writing which has a number of different forms. It is often used to express overwhelming emotions such as: love, hate, sadness or happiness. However, poetry can also be used to tell stories, or rather epics.

Some stereotypical and unappreciative views of poetry would include:

  1. That there must be a rhyming scheme, which by definition is lame and cheesy.
  2. Poems are choc-full of symbolism, metaphors, similies and other literary devices, that though the poem is written in English, it wouldn't appear that way.
  3. Due to the overwhelming number of literary devices, there is too much underlaying meaning within the poem for it to be readily understood.
Indeed, those views do hold some water to them because a vast number of poems do have rhyming schemes but if the poem is worthwhile reading, then the rhymes will have been carefully thought out. Also poems wouldn't be the beautiful piece of prose that they are without the use of some literary devices to make the language flow easily like a babbling brook. As well, every piece of literature has some underlaying meaning to it so why should poems be any different?



Blogger Lydia said...

quite insightful...
I'm commenting after being encouraged to do so today... wish I had something more profound to say, but 'tis still early in this whole class blogging extravaganza...
um, I like your colour scheme.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

The thing is, not everyone stereotypes poetry in that way. In fact, I don't know many people who actually think the rhyming schemes are lame and cheesy - well, at least I've never heard anyone say that out loud. I suppose thoughts are always possible though.

Personally, I love the rhyming schemes.

Anyways, here's some other 'stereotypes' I've heard/thought of:
* Poetry is time consuming
* Poetry is hard to understand [though I find that to be true as well]

Sorry, that's all I can think of right now.

12:07 PM  

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