A New Year
So the New Year is here...not sure what it will bring yet. Though it did manage to inspire me to write this poem below. Thanks to the muses for infusing me with enlightening, however overly depressing emotions!
You presume to know me
You can tell how I am feeling in my shattered heart
Know what thoughts race through my clouded head
But really you haven't the faintest clue as to who I am
The things that make me me elude you
What I feel isn't known because you don't care
For you emotion is governed by a switch
Something that you can turn off and on like a light
You flick it on when it suits your whims
Then off when you no longer need anyone
You don't realize the results of your ingnorance
Nor how much you hurt a gentle soul that wanted to know you
To cherish you in her heart and make you her world
You switched yourself off so that no one could get to you
These repercussions may not seem grave just yet
But one will come back to haunt you
The loss of me
Sue...I read your poem. You may call these thoughts depressed. As someone reading from outside of your emotions, you drew me into them. I could sense your disgust, anger, hurt. I think it's great that you were able to express all of this in a poem. Thank you for this.
What grabbed my attention, however, even more than the immediate motivation (your need to vent your emotions) for you to write these words, was a much deeper thought that you touched on. This is the idea that another person presumed wrongly who you are as a person and the things make you hurt. This makes me stop and realize once again, that human relationships are so strange. We need to be vulnerable in order to share our deepest thoughts with another, and yet in this vulnerability, that is exactly what we are - vulnerable. On the other hand, if we put the wall up so that we will not be vulnerable, we miss out on the possibility of deeply satisfying relationships with others.
This is a kicker I know, but the thought occurred to me as someone not close to the situation, that you used the words "you switched yourself off so that no one could get to you". Is there a possibility that this is presumption on your part about this other person? Would this other person believe that you don't know him either, just as you expressed about yourself?
Yes, love or what we sometimes think is love at the time, can fully 'suck' when it all goes wrong. The good news is that this leaves the door wide open for you to explore new possibilities! All the best!
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