It's in the Cards
So today's reading of T.S. Eliot's Wasteland was not only brilliant thanks to Prof. Kuin's reading abilities, but it was also inspiring. I found it to be inspiring on a few different fronts:
a. The reference to tarot cards within the poem sparked my curiosity and actually ensured that I would stay awake for the reading and actively taking notes.
b. The layers of meaning that just don't seem to fit until someone explains them to you, or you've done hours of research on the poem.
c. Made me want to find the Four Quartets in their entirety so that I can continue reading where the Wasteland left off. Hopefully my understanding of the Four Quartets will be on, since it will potentially be the topic of my next post.
Since I actually own and dabble a bit in the use of tarot cards I was curious to find out the meaning of the cards that Madame Sosostris pulled for her client's spread and how they relate to the poem at large. But before getting to the divination part, I think that a brief history lesson on the Tarot Cards is in order!
Who invented the tarot cards is not know, but we do know that one of the first sets surfaced in Italy during the 15th century. The cards were not initially used as a form of divination but were used to play a card game similar to bridge. In fact the cards do resemble a normal pack of playing cards, with four suits (pentacles, swords, wand and cups), then court cards (King, Queen, Knight, Page/Princess) for a total of 56 cards that make up the Minor Arcana.
The difference between a tarot card deck and a normal card deck lies with what is known as the Major Arcana, which consists of 22 cards. These cards in a divinatory reading provide specific insight into the problem being read for, while for card games acted like trump cards. The Major Arcana does not have any specific suits, but are numbered starting at 0 and then proceed to 21 and are said to resemble the path of life beginning with the Fool and concluding with the World.
When the influences of the occult began to flourish in Europe (circa. 16th century), its members beginning to see the mystical proponents of the tarot deck and began to adopt the cards for divinatory purposes. Turning the cards into what most people know them for today…a gateway into seeing the future!
A number of talented artists have lent their talents to illustrating the tarot deck. As a result, there are numerous different themes that exist for the illustrations of the tarot deck. Some include: dragons, animals, fairies, vampires and then the age old variation of humans. The meaning of tarot cards is generally the same but some variations do exist based on card illustration. This variation exists since experienced tarot readers will rely solely on the images seen in the cards, plus what they remember of the card's history, rather than continually referring to a guide book like a novice would do.
There are a number of different spreads that are used when divining with tarot cards. The number of cards in a spread varies depending on the nature of the question or situation being analyzed. Often the cards used for a spread will be selected from both the Major and Minor Arcana, but there are spreads that require the specific use of the Major Arcana cards only. When reading a spread, the reader will look for common suits which would indicate a specific theme or outcome for the situation. Each suit represents a different element (earth, air, fire, water) and an emotion (sensation, thinking, intuitive, feeling), that would also contribute to making a connections between the cards and a client's overlying question. Not such an easy task!
Sometimes a signifier card is used to enhance the divination of the reading. This card is selected to reflect the person having the reading done. The card is usually a court card, but not necessarily. How the card is selected is depends on the diviner. It can be deliberately selected by the diviner to represent the astrological sign of the client, can be the first card drawn from the shuffled deck, or a card that merely slips from the deck during the shuffling process. Other times, the client will select the card to reflect his/her mood. A popular signifier card is the Knight of Cups, especially when the question is in relation to love.
Now that the history lesson is complete, and some ground work has been laid...
Within Eliot's The Wasteland, Madame Sosostris uses a signifier for her client and does what I believe to be a five card spread. I believe that a signifier is used because she says to the client: "Here...Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor"
From a bit of research I deduced that the Phoenician Sailor was to be the Knight of Cups from the Minor Arcana. I determined the suit rather easily since cups represent water and took a rather brilliant guess at it being a court card. Upon looking up what the card meant in one of my reference books I was intrigued at the description: "Sir Galahad is the knight of cups; he belongs to the world of Arthurian legend. This romantic knight is on a quest with a dream of ideal love." Well if that just doesn't sum up some of the themes of the Wasteland I don't know what does?! Reference to Arthurian legend, from whence the idea of the holy grail came from and the idea of questing for love, which the Wasteland is so barren of.
Sadly the reference to the style of spread that she did is not mentioned so I can only infer from my personal sources and some research as to which spread she actually did. Without getting into too much detail (a bit late for that eh?), in general a five card spread would deal with the cards pulled in the following manner:
Card #1: The Past (The Lady of the Rocks = The Empress)
Card #2: The Present (The Man with the three staves = 3 of Wands or Swords)
Card #3: The Future (The Wheel = The Wheel of Fortune)
Card #4: Advice (One-Eyed Merchant = ????)
Card #5: The Outcome (The Blank Card = ????)
Some of the cards from the Wasteland were easier to place than others. As you can see I was unable to determine the card that matched the one-eyed merchant and the blank card that he carries on his back which Eliot alludes to. Not matter since the other cards that I was able to place provide more than enough information on the poem.
Card #1: The Empress
The mythical history behind the Empress deals with the lush Garden of Eden before the fall from grace. In the card's picture one sees lush vegetation, rolling hills, waterfalls and flowers in bloom. The colours that the Empress wears on her gown are red and green which are seen to be colours of fertility and her boundless love for her children. She is the personification of Mother Earth who gives life and sustains humanity.
Her divine meanings include: creativity, unconditional love and sensuality.
This card indicates the past, both in terms of the tarot spread and in terms of the poem. Within the Wasteland we are faced with a shortage of water, which leads to a lack of vegetation and ultimately a lack of fertility. So the Empress has left her children to fend for themselves and they are totally unable to do so. I also think that the Empress makes another appearance in II. A Game of Chess. When the lines are read with a female sitting on a throne (lines 77-90) were read in class I instantly thought of a Queen sitting regally on her throne in all of her glory. Plus from my experience with the tarot I made the connection to the Empress, especially with such mentions as: "fruited vines, golden, flames, glitter of her jewels, and satin." Those images instantly painted for me the lush picture that is the Empress or Mother Earth, but as the image continues we see that it is in fact shattered by the brutality of a King. Paralleling the destruction of the balance between man, woman and nature which when disrupted would disturb the notion of fertility, and love.
Card #2: 3 of Wands or 3 of Swords
Within the Minor Arcana, the threes represent creative fertility and relate directly to the Empress. Eliot makes reference in his poem to the 3 of staves which means the suit of wands, but in light of the interpretation of the cards I am inclined to think that he was misguided in his selection. Consider it for yourself:
The 3 of Wands:
The card depicts an image of a woman looking out into a horizon of water with lush land behind it. The card represents good results in a business venture with opportunities to expand and a general feeling of growth. mention of business in the Wasteland. Nor is there much chance for growth due to the absence of fertility or love.
The 3 of Swords:
The card shows an image of parting lovers with somber expressions on their faces in the rain. The card symbolizes great sorrow that is not yet resolved. The rain is to have a cleansing and renewing effect of washing away painful memories. Now that sounds more like the dismal nature of our loveless Wasteland!
This idea of lost love can be seen again in II. The Game of Chess, where we have the different scenes involving lovers and matters of the heart. The overtones of these scenes despite their difference in terms of style (high, medium and low) is a somber feeling. The high style scene is an illusionary reference to Ovid's Metamorphoses with the rape of Philomela. Rape is obviously a painful memory that the rain would try to cleanse away, but this can't occur just yet since there is an absence of rain in the Wasteland. So Philomela must contend with her pain silently and alone. The middle style shows us a couple with one person being rather crazy and the other complacently replying more out of duty than love. Finally in the low style, we see two women in a local pub discussing satisfying one's husband and abortion which would relate to the theme of fertility.
Card #3: The Wheel of Fortune
This card has to do with fate and destiny. On the card is the image of three women at different stages in life and are to represent the triple goddesses known as the Moirae. The idea of fate and destiny is closely linked with feminine traits of weaving and the secrets of life, which the Moirae do for humanity. As humans we can either accept or deny the events presented to us as coincidence or fated events. As the wheel turns so does our situation in life; one moment we may be at the bottom on a low point and then in an instant that can change to being on top with an elated feeling of high.
The card's divine meaning includes: change, opportunity, risking and movement.
It indicates a time of change is soon coming so we need to be flexible and receptive to these changes because they may be tiny. We can see from the barren state of the earth in the Wasteland that we are certainly in need of a change. The opportunity for change is evident in the stanza of the poem where we see that "the arid plane behind me" referring to the idea that the Wasteland is indeed changing to become something else. Plus the idea of "Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata. (Giving. Sympathy. Control)" could be alluding to the idea that in loving relationships both partners need to give and sympathize with each other. The idea of control comes into play in terms of the boundaries of the relationship and how we deal with being controlled by another. Further, the last words of the poem are peace. This could perhaps indicate that we need peace in order to survive the ordeal of missing love, and fertility. From this restored peace would return the intricate balance between man, woman, humanity and mother nature.
I'm torn between the idea that Eliot knew these mythical references for the tarot cards that he selected and that it is just blind luck! Part of me wants to believe that he was so brilliant that he carefully wove these cards into his poem as a larger part of the themes and images. But there is that small part that believes he would not have known that much about the tarot. More still I am curious to know what card refers to the one-eyed merchant and that "blank" card so that I could assert that he truly was a genius.
If anyone has any ideas please share so that I can continue the research!
Steventon, Kay. The Spiral Tarot Handguide. Stamford, CT: Us Games Systems, Inc., 1998.
The one-eyed merchant is also Mr Eugenides and possibly Phlebas, and (as Eliot's own note on section III says) they all meet in Tiresias, who is blind. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the Waste Land, merechants and city directors are the captains and the kings. The house-agent's clerk is lower but related.
I think Eliot knew a bit about tarot, having probably read up on it and perhaps visited a Mme Sosostris; but I doubt if he was an expert. His opinion of divination comes through in the Four Quartets.
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